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Dear Mom | Honoring Mother's Day

by Taylor Gilkey May 12, 2017 0 Comments

This Mother's Day, let us focus on each unique role that women play in raising children and contributing to society in immeasurable ways.  

A shout out to my mother for playing such a gigantic role in my life as well as my brother, Jess'.  I can only hope and pray that I will be able to raise my children in such a fun, energetic and loving household as the one we were raised in.


Mom, thank you for the following:

  • For teaching me the importance of friendship and family. 
  • For letting me paint the bathroom as a preteen, an hour before your dinner guests arrived.
  • For encouraging me to follow me dreams.
  • For letting us be kids. 
  • For turning our backyard into a mud pit, just so we could roll in it and sling mud pies at each other. 
  • For being a friend.
  • For loving me unconditionally.

I know it wasn't easy, but you did it AND you continue to do it daily. We love you, mom and we're thankful for you each and every day. 

Make sure your mom feels loved and appreciated today. 


It is the purest sign that we love someone if we choose to spend time idly in their presence when we could be doing something more constructive. -S Cassidy

Taylor Gilkey
Taylor Gilkey


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